In Europe wineries have been encouraging cork recycling for decades. Now the idea of cork recycling has caught on in the good old USA.
Yes you read that right, cork can be recycled.
Cork is a renewable resource is does not have to be landfilled. You can recycle cork into many useful products. And I don't mean this idea.
If you like to DIY then collect cork and use it for create projects such as making a cork board or for other fun projects.
Learn more about cork recycling:
ReCORK is largest global producer of wine bottle corks. They really want wine drinkers to recycle cork.
ReCORK lists places to drop off cork for recycling.
Read the North Bay Biz article "A Cork of a Different Color"

Cork ReHarvest & Whole Foods Markets
Cork ReHarvest managed to convince a big American grocery chain to recycle cork. Hoorah Whole Foods for providing receptacles in all your stores to recycle cork. Lets hope all groceries and other stores that sell wine will emulate your company-wide wine cork recycling program.
Cork is a natural resource.
Please recycle cork!