This is a demographic defining a particular market segment focused on sustainable living, health and fitness, "green" environmental products and services, personal development and social justice.
LOHAS consumers are a relatively upscale and well-educated population s

The term LOHAS was invented by the lifestyle company Gaiam to describe the rapidly growing multi-billion dollar market of healthy green consumers.
LOHAS businesses practice "responsible capitalism" with environmentally sustainable goods and services. In this way LOHAS businesses help make the world a better place.
The LOHAS marketplace includes goods and services such as:
- Organic and locally grown food and beverages, health food
- Organic and natural personal care products
- Holistic health
- Hybrid, electric, alternative transportation
- Green and sustainable building
- Alternative and Renewable Energy
- Energy efficient electronics/applicances
- Socially-responsible investing
- Natural household products (paper goods and cleaning products)
- Complementary, alternative and preventive medicine (Naturopathic, Eastern)
- Fair trade products
- Mind/Body/Spirit and New Age genres
- Social Justice
- Eco-tourism and eco-adventure travel
Paul Ray is the eminent sociologist who coined the term "cultural creatives" for the LOHAS consumer group. He determined that this category includes one out of every four Americans.
The five LOHAS segments as defined by the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) include:
LOHAS (17 percent):
Active environmentalists dedicated to personal and planetary health. Heaviest purchasers of green and socially responsible products. Early adapters who influence others heavily.
Naturalites (17 percent):
Motivated mostly by personal health issues. Tend to purchase more LOHAS consumable products vs. durable items.
Drifters (24 percent):
People with good intentions who follow trends when it’s easy and affordable. Currently quite engaged in green purchasing behaviors.
Conventionals (26 percent):
Pragmatists who embrace LOHAS behavior when they believe they can make a difference. Primarily focused on being careful with resources and doing the ‘right’ thing when it saves money.
Unconcerned (16 percent):
Focused on getting by, they are either unaware or unconcerned about the environment and societal issues, mainly because they don’t have the time or the means.
Now that you know more about this market segment we leave you with some more information from Green America on the LOHAS marketplace.
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