Monday, January 2, 2012

SonoMarin HypnoBabies offers Hypnosis for Childbirth, Education and Doula Services in Sonoma and Marin Counties

HypnoBabies is a complete 6 week, child birth education class appropriate for moms birthing in a hospital, birth center or home environment. HypnoBabies Childbirth Hypnosis teaches hypnotic anesthesia techniques used by people who undergo surgery with hypnosis as their only anesthetic. Both of these elements have been carefully designed to work together and the results are truly amazing.

HypnoBabies provides excellent and Complete Childbirth Education. Providing this *Complete Childbirth Education* ensures that my students will not have to take other childbirth preperation classes whose philosophy is so different that it negates what they have learned in our birth hypnosis class. “Pain management and coping skills” are actually opposite of what is learned in HypnoBabies; we teach Pain Elimination by using real hypno-anesthesia.

HypnoBabies also has “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”, which allows each Hypno-mom to walk and talk and move around freely yet remain very relaxed, fully present, aware and in touch with her body and baby and *completely comfortable while doing so*. Other programs rely on complete immobility for focus and concentration, which can severely impede the progress of labor and the descent and positioning of the baby. An upright, “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis mommy means a faster and easier birthing!

Owner Hattie Engel talks about herself:

“I have been an Occupational Therapist, since 2003, and have worked in many different health care settings. I have two amazing boys who were born in 2008 and 2010, both at Kaiser Santa Rosa. If there is a third child in the future I plan on having a home birth.

What a great experience I had each time I gave birth with the support of an amazing doula that I became a doula to support other women who were birthing. However no matter how magical and peaceful the births I supported were, there was always a lot of pain. I knew that there was a better way. I also knew that the parents who spent a lot of time preparing for childbirth, had more satisfying empowered birth experiences.

What I wanted was a class that not only encouraged the partner to be involved, but that would help couples to grow into their new roles as parents together. So I went in search of different child birth education methods, and while there were many out there, only HypnoBabies offered a complete child birth education prep class with hypno-anesthesia. It was so clear that this class had all the elements that really could help make birthing joyful, calm, and comfortable.”

HypnoBabies Classes

Group classes are limited to five couples to ensure personal attention. Classes meet for six weeks, 3 hours each, for a total of 18 hours (40% more time than other childbirth hypnois methods). Group classes are priced at $400 per couple, which includes18 hours of classroom time, and the HypnoBabies course materials

HypnoDoula Services

Traditional doula training provides the birthing woman with much more physical activity to stay comfortable, while using hypnosis entails much more “going inside” and specific cues that have been programmed subconsciously.

HypnoBabies moms can indeed use upright positions, birth balls and walk if they want to, but this will be for progress if needed or descent and positioning of your baby, and not to maintain comfort. Unless a doula is familiar with all of this, she may not help the woman in the ways she truly needs to give birth using hypnosis.

HypnoBabies Benefits

HypnoBabies’ Complete Childbirth Education includes the following:

  • Staying healthy and low risk
  • Comfort in Pregnancy
  • Detailed Birthing Choices
  • Creating Informed Consent
  • An in-depth Nutrition and Exercise program
  • Avoidance of Toxic Substances
  • Optimum Fetal Positioning
  • Turning a Posterior Baby
  • Stages of Labor
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Birth
  • Prenatal Parenting
  • Avoiding Back Labor with the Abdominal Lift and Tuck
  • Baby Kick Counting
  • Belly Mapping
  • The Risks, Benefits and Alternatives to Common Labor Interventions
  • Birth Empowerment Skills
  • Birth Plans & Baby Plans
  • Touring the Birth Facility
  • Doula and Midwifery information
  • Avoiding Induction and Cesarean Section
  • Delayed Cord Clamping and other Baby Kindness information
  • Using hypnosis for 3rd stage
  • Comprehensive and detailed birth preparation and labor support training for Birth Partners
  • A 28 page Quick Reference booklet for labor
  • Birthing Rehearsals using HypnoBabies techniques in class.
  • Information on New Baby Care, Breastfeeding and Postpartum care for our moms.

To learn more about Doula services from SonoMarin Hypnobabies and Hattie Engel visit or call 415-203-1867.

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