Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Beyond Emissions Reductions: Carbon Capture Strategies

Environmental Forum of Marin Lecture Series 2016

Beyond Emissions Reductions: Carbon Capture Strategies

Photosynthesis: An Agent for Sequestration of Carbon in the Atmosphere

On Wednesday, January 13th, speaker John Wick, a co-founder of the Marin Carbon Project, will present a compelling explanation of enhanced photosynthesis as an effective and environmentally beneficial means of lowering carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. His overview of a plan to restore balance to the planet’s natural carbon pools includes developing a process to determine the highest and best use of organic waste.

Wednesday, January 13 | 7:00 – 9:00 PM

The Sanctuary, San Rafael Presbyterian Church
1510 5th Avenue San Rafael, CA

John Wick, Co-founder, Marin Carbon Project 

Wednesday evenings: $10* in advance / $15* at the door.

Admission free to students with a high school or college ID.

* Lecture discounts based on membership status.

For more information contact LectureSeries@MarinEFM.org

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